My Japanese Study Routine Summer 2020

I’ve already written about my updated French and Chinese routines, so now the time has come to Japanese.

“Japanese flag” by BWJones is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

Things are not that different from how they were this spring, but having rethought my routines a bit this is my current routine:

~10 minutes of audio book listening with Anki every day

I still use the method I described here to split the book into repeatable phrases. When the phrases contain only one word I don’t know, I use it to make a proper flash card.

50 listening practice flash cards in Anki every day

This is completely unchanged.

I use a variant of this deck, with only a spoken word on the front side and a spoken sample sentence along with translation on the back side.

I usually turn off the screen and only use the sample sentence to decide if I understood the word or not.

At least two pages of a Japanese novel each day

Probably pretty self-explanatory. I start reading and if I don’t feel like reading after two pages I stop.

I tend to only look up words that have kanji I don’t remember, other than that I don’t worry to much if I don’t understand everything.

One hour of conversation practice every week

I use italki to book skype converstaions. I have three conversations partners I alternate between, and all of these are what italki calls “community tutors”, meaning they’re regular people and not qualified teachers.

I prefer these partly because they’re cheaper, but mostly because I just want to have a regular chat rather than a lesson. I can study words and grammar on my own just fine.

Watching one episode of whatever I’m in the process of watching

I no longer have a daily routine of watching native content. Rather, if I’m in the process of watching something, I’ll make sure to watch at least one episode each week, just so I don’t forget what’s happened and have to start over.

This applies to games as well, if I’m currently playing a game I’ll at least start it up once a week and play to the next save point or something.

2 thoughts on “My Japanese Study Routine Summer 2020

    1. I am about half way through NHKにようこそ, but I think it’s gotten a bit less interesting, so I’ve given reading 新世界より a second go as well. (Though now I’ve hit a less interesting place in that one as well!)

      I’ll keep reading both, I’ll make sure I read a little of each at least once a week.

      Also, the audiobook I’m currently listening to is 望み. I was frantically searching audible for something to listen to after finishing Ax, and that one seemed like it might be interesting, though I’m not far enough into it to have an opinion.

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