My French Study Routine Summer 2020

I’ve changed up my study routines a bit, so I thought it was time to commit that to the blog as well.

First up: French.

“flag” by bareknuckleyellow is licensed under CC BY 2.0

A few months ago, I wrote about my French study routine.

Having recently become able to read French books, I decided to copy my Japanese reading routine straight up and use that for French as well.

As a result of this, and also as a result of rethinking what should and shouldn’t be part of my daily routine, I decided to remove my watching of native materials.

So, all said and done, this is what I’ve now ended up with:

50 listening practice flash cards in Anki every day

This is unchanged from last time, I’m still using the same deck setup.

I’ve recently started creating my own flash cards from the French dub of the Final Fantasy 7 remake however, so I might phase out the subs2srs cards in favor of those since they tend to be a bit higher quality.

They take time to make though, so I may need to go back the more bulk-generated ones once I lose interest.

At least two pages of a French novel every day

Exactly the same as for Japanese. Currently reading The Little Prince, and testing out a bunch of other books in order to find the next one I can read at my current level.

The plan is to just do what I did for Japanese and stick to books I can read without looking anything up. In the beginning that’ll be pretty limited, and I’ll have to pretty much take what I can get. Like with Japanese though, as I get better I should eventually become able to choose books purely based on interest.

At least one episode of something native once a week

I might watch an RPG let’s play or a show or something. Once a week should be enough to not forget what it’s about.

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